Labor Day is almost here and to honor those members who are sacrificing their holiday time at home with their families, your Local voted (at the last meeting), to feed those men and women who will be working Monday September 4th. The E-Board will be handling the feed and e-board president Mike McCoig (Koko) has sent out some details about it. There will be a parade, festivities and speeches at Spring Park in Tuscumbia, AL. It is the oldest Labor Day celebration in the state. Here is a Link to a map if you are interested in attending. No matter if you are working or just celebrating please keep in mind the people who sacrificed so much to get us where we are today and above all else have a safe holiday weekend! Oh and I almost forgot to mention that over ONE HUNDRED members have signed up for the message board already! We would love to have 100% participation so if you have not done so contact one of the officers or our webmaster Art via the links on the left to get details on how to register.